
Xilinx ISE 13.2 under Ubuntu 11.04

For simulation to work, you must bugger the libstdc++ files supplied by ISE so the system ones are used instead:

 # library fix from 
 cd /opt/Xilinx/13.2/ISE_DS/ISE/lib/lin/
 mkdir orig && mv libstdc++* orig
 cd /opt/Xilinx/13.2/ISE_DS/ISE/lib/lin64/
 mkdir orig && mv libstdc++* orig
 cd /opt/Xilinx/13.2/ISE_DS/common/lib/lin/
 mkdir orig && mv libstdc++* orig
 cd /opt/Xilinx/13.2/ISE_DS/common/lib/lin64/
 mkdir orig && mv libstdc++* orig

Xilinx ISE almost works "out of the box" under Ubuntu 10.04.

You must change the default shell from "dash" to "bash" or some scripts will fail.


sudo dpkg-reconfigure dash


and answer "no" to the dialog.

Last modified 10 years ago Last modified on Nov 8, 2013, 10:17:54 AM